Preparing Apprentices for Success in Connected Workplaces

The Connected Apprentice

“The iPads really lit a fire within our training department, changing the mindset of instructors and apprentices” -Gabe M, Lead Technology Instructor, Local 342

"The iPad rollout was flawless! We’re using hundreds of devices." - Mike Z, Technology Director, Local 597

For more info contact 877-565-3261

Set up your apprentices for success

”Learning through digital platforms dramatically increases proficiency, speeds learning and boosts test scores in target age groups.”

-Source: Houghton Mifflin Research Corp.

Digital training prepares apprentices for success in a digital world. Your selected training resources can now be preloaded to iPads with the ability to push additional resources over-the-air at any time.

At A Glance

Apprentice training ready to use out of the box!

Choose any content

Fully customized to your needs!  You and your team hand-pick whatever Apps and resources you'd like loaded. Or select from our curated list of resources being used by other locals.  Push new resources at any time using over-the-air MDM technology.

Asset Tagging with Branding

Your devices arrive branded, custom packaged & asset-tagged for each recipient that you specify.


Our one goal is to ensure your successful outcome.  To that end, we're easy and flexible around your needs.

Want to learn more?

Call us at 877-565-3261

Or email us at

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